The Jingle Light Story
Often recited on the stormiest of days or nights, Jingle Light is said to have brought peace of mind to many a traveler. This little lighthouse will come to you, a guiding light for not only Claus but all that believe. Bobbing out to greet you on any sea, it will shine its beacon, toss you a life preserver, pull you on board, and safely guide you to port.
I’m here to help you home. Come follow along. I will lead the way, each and every night and day. Rain, sleet, snow or shine,
however far you’ve roamed, I will bring you home.
Remember you are never lost, in this you must trust.
Shining through fog and storms,
my glowing beacon guides you home.
This little boat will carry you on, and my light will always shine.
Have faith that I am there, and you will not have any cares.
You can weather any storm, my work for you is never done.
Sailors one and all are we, open your hearts to see. The beacon’s light you cannot miss, for we all sail in one large ship.
Each with our own point of view,
the light is pure and shines from you.
Mouth Blown, Hand Painted and Glittered in Poland
Sterling Silver Lined Hand Blown Glass Holiday Lighthouse Ornament
Whimsical Pink and Red Stripe Nautical Lighthouse Christmas Tree Ornament
Limited Edition Collectible Keepsake Coastal Christmas Tree Lighthouse Ornament